Dec 31, 2009

I have mixed feeling as the year ends..... 2009

I have mixed feeling as the year ends..... glad to close the doors on painful memories and keep the doors open to the happy ones.
Realized what I have lost lots because of my choices and decisions.
Found out that its better to let go of all the things that hurt me, including people.
Realized that the one person I loved, used me...... I forgave him anyway.

I found out that there more to life if I let go and just enjoy my life..... yes 2009 has been a great year.
Sad to see it go and yet look forward to 2010.

Good bye 2009, you have been a good year for me.

Nov 25, 2009

One Life

I've got just one life to live, one life to do it right and if I do it right........ then once is enough, cos I ain't coming back again   Pappy Ratnayake

Oct 30, 2009

Roads of life

When life sends you on different paths..... wear the shoes of change.
On smooth roads...... wear your comfortable high heeled shoes.
On polished floors...... wear your stilettos. 
On slippery surfaces.... wear your non skid shoes.
On a rocky path up and down the mounitains and hills..... wear your hiking boots.
On snow covered ground..... wear your warm kneed high boots.
On muddy roads..... wear your rubber boots.
On cobble stoned road.... wear your sandles.
On a jogging track... wear your trainers.
On pebble beaches and broken sea shelled beaches... wear your slippers or thongs.
On the beach.... go bare footed.

In This Life Time

" In another life time maybe... where there is no cast, creed, age and faith to divide us and I can be myself. BUT in this life time.... I want to learn to PLAY the Piano, paint a masterpiece, take a picture, write a story (my story), to love freely, sing and dance " - Pappy Ratnayake.

Jun 1, 2009

I love the sight of Winter

I love the sight of Winter
Snow on the ground, a covering of the winter wonderland
It seems to me like the world has gone silent, deep in thought
The peace within, of stillness and hope
The whiteness, the innocence and sometimes seemly dead
Trees bare, Mother nature's creatures quiet
Silently waiting.... waiting patiently
For beneath the covering is the promise of life
Where all non-existent, comes to being
A start to the circle again
For Spring is nothing without Winter...
And a time for healing, the big and small, the beauty and beast
Oh how I love the sight of winter.... the winter wonderland.
