Feb 6, 2010

The Toughest Things - Bob Perks

To love a dog is easy, but to be worthy of its love is tough...
Our pets love us unconditionally. Which means we hardly need to
do anything to get that love. But ask yourself based on the time
and attention you give, if you really deserve it? This applies
to our relationship with people, too.

To teach a child is easy, but to live what we teach...
I can remember the old phrase "Do as I say, not as I do!"
What you do may be the true lesson your child is learning.
Teach by example.

To watch a sunset is easy, but to see it as a new beginning...
How many times have you said, "I can't wait until this day is over!"
When it ends, do you simply brush it off? Linger in anger and
stress over it? Adjust your attitude and see the day's end
as a new chance to begin again?

To see what's wrong is easy, but to make it right...
We can't right every wrong in the world, but just pointing
out what's wrong won't make the world a better place.
What the world needs are people who take action. If you
don't have the ability to change it, find someone who does
then help them. "Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King Jr.

To fall down is easy, but to get up again and again...
Sometimes life is unbearable. Failure is not how
many times you fall, but the last time you chose
not to get up again.

To give is easy, but to give when it calls for sacrifice...
Even in these tough economic times there are things
we can do to help others. It may call for belt tightening,
or giving a little extra time to a cause, but sacrifice gives
to both the giver and the receiver.

To lie is easy, but to tell the truth when you have lied...
The greatest enemy in any relationship is the lie. Upon it
grows mistrust. Revealing it brings about rebirth and a
chance to grow even closer.

To be angry is easy, but to forgive...
It is said that "forgiveness frees the forgiver."
One can let go through forgiveness or be weighed
down with the burden of remembering forever.

To criticize is easy, but to praise...

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